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Entrepreneur NEXT

Liminal Collective's Entrepreneur NEXT Level programs offer a transformative journey tailored for startup teams. With a commitment ranging from 1 to 5 days, our programs are designed to enhance performance and increase the likelihood of success in the challenging startup landscape. Participants can expect to achieve more than they thought possible, faster, while building their personal toolkit and becoming part of the Liminal Collective Community. Backed by alarming statistics revealing the high failure rates of startups and the challenges they face in securing follow-on financing, our programs focus on critical success factors such as personal and team alignment, rapid learning, performing under pressure, and optimizing cognitive performance. Join us to defy the odds and embark on a journey towards entrepreneurial success.

Liminal’s role

Training Camps for Executive Leadership

We are on a mission to accomplish liminal moonshots - never-been-done, bold endeavors that inform and inspire us all. We assemble bespoke, multi-disciplinary teams to work at the threshold of human potential, applying the deep science of elite performance, tapping ancient traditions and breaking convention to hack creativity. And we share our experiences, because they are everyone’s concern.

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